Sunday, July 4, 2010

Provision and Cluelessness

"For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways," says the LORD.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55:8,9)

Most of the time I do not share strictly personal testimony, but I feel it could bless someone out there. This, coupled with 'greater faith' and 'no expectations', has been a prevailing message from the Lord to our family for the past 9-12 months.

Recently I was driving home from work when I saw a groundhog on the side of the road, munching on mulberries on the shoulder. I didn't think much of it, but I heard the Lord say to me, "Did you see that groundhog?" I replied back, "Sure - that was kind of neat." He said, "He doesn't concern himself with where his next meal will come. He doesn't store up for himself...but he isn't as picky about how his next meal will come." Bam! I was humbled. How many times do I miss His provision in my life because it doesn't come how I expect it or want it to come? That groundhog was content to sit on the side of the road eating mulberries, when wouldn't it be safer to eat in the woods? And mulberries...meh.

Fast-forward 2 months or so. We are 4 days without hot water. We have a 3 year old, high dollar, tankless water heater (remember this - it is important to the story!) that has gotten 1 year of use in our brand new, 1 year old home. Why does this happen to me? Do normal people have brand new things breaking all the time? I could go on and on, but as a repair-man came and left us with nothing but a quote for $3500 to replace it and "I'm certain it's not covered under warranty", and it was Friday evening on a holiday weekend, I wasn't getting any parts and the 'seconds shop' I found a water heater at for $50 was, was I bummed...more like livid!

God starts shaking out His plan, and stupid me finally catches on. Ugh! I received news yesterday that it is indeed covered under warranty, although I have to install it (no labor charge!). Problem is, we won't get replacement parts for at least a week because of the holiday. But, here is where it gets fun. I am now a proud owner of a nearly new, FREE water heater from my father-in-law. I installed it this evening. See, the funny thing is, I have this 'grand plan' that I feel is of the Lord for doing solar water and thermosiphoning for hot water in our home to get free (or nearly free) hot water and cut ties with our dependence on propane. The funny thing is, as part of this plan, I needed a water heater tank. God provided...just not how I wanted or expected. Do I understand? No. Was it easy? No. Will I ever catch on before the end? Who knows...but I'm eating my mulberries and liking them...

Learning to live loved in the affection of the Father

I myself will tend my sheep and have them lie down, declares the Sovereign Lord.
Ezekiel 35:15