Monday, March 21, 2011

Judgement Coming?

There has been much talk surrounding Japan, and with the flood of prophesies surrounding Japan, and now California, there seems to be this underlying message that these things are occurring or going to occur because of judgement. For one, I find it in poor taste to push out prophetic words, saying "God's judgement," in their greatest time of need. I also find it odd that we're going to say California is next because God hates gays, Hollywood, the tech sector, and porn. Is that only in California? So New York is fine, the financial capital of the world? Or is love of money just more socially acceptable? What about Arkansas? They house the headquarters of a company forcing thousands of children into slave labor. They don't get judgement? Oh wait, cheaper clothes, groceries, etc. is more financially responsible so we can tithe that it? Is that why they're safe?

Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. (Ez 16:49-50 NIV)

I'm on a Message Bible kick as of late, so I'll include that here, too.

The sin of your sister Sodom was this: She lived with her daughters in the lap of luxury—proud, gluttonous, and lazy. They ignored the oppressed and the poor. They put on airs and lived obscene lives. And you know what happened: I did away with them. (Ez 16:49-50 MSG)

So while many Hollywood actors have concern for social justice issues and are actually caring for the widow and orphan, we're going to fill a pew and cast judgement. Way to be salt and light! I'm really frustrated with how we can't seem to find the positive and look for God's hand at work in the earth. Praise God we live in a nation that cares for its own through social programs - should the church being doing that? Sure. But is it? Somewhat. Instead of complaining about who is doing this wrong, or that group doesn't do this - let's look at ourselves. Are we loving Father with all our heart? I'm done with firing missiles at others who aren't measuring up to our standards, all the while we aren't doing much of anything ourselves...ugh!

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Learning to live loved in the affection of the Father

I myself will tend my sheep and have them lie down, declares the Sovereign Lord.
Ezekiel 35:15