Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I had a dream recently. I don't often have dreams of any kind, so if I have something, especially not pertaining to something that I'm emersed in, I tend to pay attention.

In the dream, it was as if I was watching a movie in first-person. I saw the reel begin with the countdown of 3-2-1 in black and white, and then the title, "Perspectives". I watched as a man, whom I did not recognize, was sitting in his living room looking out the window across the street at a neighbor's house. He turned toward the direction of another room and yelled to his wife, "Can you believe the neighbors? It's June already and he doesn't even have his crops in! Gosh - and his yard is such a mess!!!" The man was obviously annoyed and distraught by his neighbor's inability to maintain his yard and found it completely ridiculous that he couldn't even get his crops in. It was June - too late to plant crops.
The scene faded out, and then faded in. The setting was the same. This unknown man was looking out the window again. This time he turned toward his wife in the other room and said, "Honey, have you seen the neighbor's house? He needs help - it's June and his crops aren't even in. The least we can do is mow his yard for him." As it faded out, I heard a voice over, a narrator I guess, say "It's a matter of perspectives".

It is amazing what a change in our perspective will do. This was the same exact situation, but because of perspectives - one outcome was a man to extend help and bless his neighbor, the other of judgement and anger. Which am I? The other point I think in this was - I didn't know what was the deal with the neighbor and why he wasn't able to keep up - but does that matter? So often I find myself ascribing motive to my "neighbor" and miss out on opportunity to bless. This is a situation where we are not to be the judge. If we'll be watchful, it is amazing how many times the Father is giving us opportunity to help our "neighbor" if we just pay attention...

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Learning to live loved in the affection of the Father

I myself will tend my sheep and have them lie down, declares the Sovereign Lord.
Ezekiel 35:15